Our LandWise legal library represents the most comprehensive collection of laws and legal materials related to women’s land and resource rights.
During the month of July, we added the following legal updates from Chile, Costa Rica, and Ghana, to the library:
- Civil Marriage Law [ESP]
- DFL No. 5 [ESP]
- Law 19233 (amends DFL No. 5) [ESP]
- Law Establishing Rules on Protection, Promotion and Development of the Indigenous, and Creating the National Indigenous Development Corporation (Law No. 19253) [ESP]
- Regulation on the Organization and Operation of a Public Registry of Indigenous Lands (Decree 150) [ESP]
- Approval of Final Text of the Forest Law (Decree 4363) [ESP]
- Establishment of the Legal Regime of Forest Lands or Preferably Suitable for Afforestation, and Establishment Promotion Rules of That Matter (DL 701) [ESP]
- Law on the Recovery of Native Forests and Forest Promotion (Law No. 20283) [ESP]
Costa Rica
- Law to Promote Women’s Social Equality (Law No. 7142) [ESP]
- Law of the National Institute of Women (Law No. 7801) [ESP]
- Indigenous Law (Law No. 6172) [ESP]
- General Mechanism for Constitutions with Indigenous Peoples Decree (Decree No. 40932-MP-MJP) [ESP]
- Forestry Law (Law No. 7575) [ESP]
- Forestry Regulation (Decree No. 25721) [ESP]
- Agrarian Reform Law (Law No. 2825) [ESP]
- National Parks Service Law (Law No. 6084) [ESP]
- Biodiversity Law (Law No. 7788) [ENG] [ESP]
- Wildlife Conservation Law (Law No. 7317) [ESP]
- Registration System of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to certify the condition of small and medium agricultural producers (Decree No. 37911-MAG) [ESP]
- Regulation for the Execution of the National REDD+ Strategy (Executive Decree 40464-MINAE) [ESP]
- General Law on Vacant Land (Law No. 13) [ESP]
- National Gender Policy [ENG]
- Wildlife Resources Management Bill [ENG]
- Forest and Wildlife Policy [ENG]
- Land Act (Act 1036) [ENG]
- Timber Resource Management Act (Act 547) [ENG]
- Timber Resource Management (Amendment) Act (Act 617) [ENG]
- Manuals of Procedure for Forest Resource Management Planning in the High Forest Zone of Ghana [ENG]
- Forestry Commission Act (Act No. 405) [ENG]
- Forestry Commission Act (Act No. 571) [ENG]
- Gender and Development Strategy [ENG]
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