Full Citation: Sargeson, S., “Governing Women’s Capabilities in China’s Urban Expansion,” 9(2) INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS 154 (2007).
Governing Women’s Capabilities in China’s Urban Expansion
By the middle of the twenty-first century, China’s urban population is likely to have grown by about 500 million, to more than 1.1 billion people. This article applies Amartya Sen’s concept of capabilities to explore how the government of urban expansion is affecting the generation of rural women whose villages currently are being enclosed by cities and towns. Drawing on interviews, press reports and government and Women’s Federation documents from Zhejiang province, it illustrates how local governments’ economic growth strategies hinge, in part, on reconstructing gendered relations in the spatial organization, civic management, production and social reproduction in new metropolitan
Language: English
Year: 2007