Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695)

In Spanish: Fija Normas Para Regularizar la Posesion de la Pequeña Propiedad Raiz y Para La Constitucion Del Dominio Sobre Ella (Decreto Ley 2695).

Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [original text]


Language: Spanish

Year: 1979

Regulation for Decree No. 2695 (Supreme Decree 541)

Language: Spanish

Year: 1996

Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2000]

Language: Spanish

Year: 1979, 2000

Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2003]

Language: Spanish

Year: 1979, 2003

Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2004]

Language: Spanish

Year: 1979, 2004

Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2018]

Language: Spanish

Year: 1979, 2018

Amends Decree Law 2695 (Law No. 21108)

Amendment to protect the rights of third parties in relation to the regularization of small real property.

Language: Spanish

Year: 2018

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