In Spanish: Fija Normas Para Regularizar la Posesion de la Pequeña Propiedad Raiz y Para La Constitucion Del Dominio Sobre Ella (Decreto Ley 2695).
Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695)
Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [original text]
Language: Spanish
Year: 1979
Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2000]
Language: Spanish
Year: 1979, 2000
Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2003]
Language: Spanish
Year: 1979, 2003
Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2004]
Language: Spanish
Year: 1979, 2004
Rules to Regularize the Possession of Small Properties and Formalize Title Over Them (Decree Law 2695) [mod. 2018]
Language: Spanish
Year: 1979, 2018
Amends Decree Law 2695 (Law No. 21108)
Amendment to protect the rights of third parties in relation to the regularization of small real property.
Language: Spanish
Year: 2018