Full citation: de Brauw, A., “Gender, Control, and Crop Choice in Northern Mozambique,” 1333 IFPRI Discussion Paper (March 2014).
Record Author: de Brauw, A
Feminization of Agriculture in China: Debunking the Myth and Measuring the Consequence of Women Participation in Agriculture%3$s>
Full Citation: Zhang, L., Rozelle, S., Liu, C., Olivia, S., de Brauw, A., and Li, Q., “Feminization of Agriculture in China: Debunking the Myth and Measuring the Consequence of Women Participation in Agriculture,” AGRICULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT (Rimisp-Latin AMerican Center for Rural Development 2006).
Feminization of Agriculture in China? Myths Surrounding Women’s Participation in Farming%3$s>
Full Citation: de Brauw, A., Li, Q., Liu, C., Rozelle, S., and Zhang, L., “Feminization of Agriculture in China? Myths Surrounding Women’s Participation in Farming,” 194 THE CHINA QUARTERLY 327 (2008).