Full citation: Deere, C. D., Oduro, A., Swaminathan, H. and Doss, C., “Property Rights and the Gender Distribution of Wealth in Ecuador, Ghana and India,” 13 GENDER ASSET GAP PROJECT WORKING PAPER (August 2012). – This paper finds that basic property rights are insufficient, for much depends upon the legal and cultural regimes related to marriage and inheritance. Drawing upon household asset surveys which collected individual level ownership data in Ecuador, Ghana and the state of Karnataka in India, it estimates married women’s share of couple wealth and relate it to whether major household assets are owned individually or jointly […]
Record Author: Deere, C. D
Property Rights and Women’s Accumulation of Assets Over the Life Cycle: Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador%3$s>
Full citation: Deere, Carmen Diana, Jackeline Contreras and Jennifer Twyman. 2010. Property Rights and Women’s Accumulation of Assets Over the Life Cycle: Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador. ALASRU Nueva época. Análisis latinoamericana del medio rural, No. 5, 2010: 135-176. – This study looks at the recognition of women’s property rights in practice in Ecuador. One finding is that women may accumulate property in two ways, as individual property and as community property. While individual property, generally acquired through an inheritance, provides a fall back position, community property in marriage or unions has special benefits. Joint property compensates women for their work and […]
Assets, Wealth and Spousal Violence: Insights from Ecuador and Ghana%3$s>
Full citation: Oduro, A., Deere, C. D., and Catanzarite, Z., “Assets, Wealth and Spousal Violence: Insights from Ecuador and Ghana,” 12 GENDER ASSET GAP PROJECT WORKING PAPER (August 2012).
Empowering Women: Land and Property Rights in Latin America%3$s>
Full citation: Diana Deere, Carmen and Magdalena Leon, 2001. Empowering Women: Land and Property Rights in Latin America.
Who Owns the Land? Gender and Land-Titling Programmes in Latin America%3$s>
Full citation: Deere, C. D. and Leon, M., “Who Owns the Land? Gender and Land-Titling Programmes in Latin America,” 1(3) JOURNAL OF AGRARIAN CHANGE 440 (July 2001). – The main focus of state intervention in Latin American agriculture in the 1990s was on land-titling programs, designed to promote security of tenure and enliven land markets. A review of seven of these projects suggests that they were often designed without sufficient attention to civil codes and marital regimes that protect women’s property rights. They often ignored that a household’s endowment of land may consist of three forms of property: the wife’s, […]