Information brief
Record Author: FAO
Realizing women’s rights to land in the law%3$s>
A guide for reporting on SDG indicator 5.a.2
Women in Agriculture: Closing the Gender Gap for Development%3$s>
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security%3$s>
The State of Food and Agriculture%3$s>
Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: Differentiated pathways out of poverty%3$s>
Respecting free, prior and informed consent%3$s>
Full citation: FAO, “Respecting free, prior and informed consent,” 3 GOVERNANCE OF TENURE TECHNICAL GUIDE (2014).
Report on FAO, UNIFEM and National AIDS Council Joint National Workshop on HIV and AIDS, Women’s Property Rights and Livelihoods in Zimbabwe%3$s>
Full citation: FAO, “Report on FAO, UNIFEM and National AIDS Council Joint National Workshop on HIV and AIDS, Women’s Property Rights and Livelihoods in Zimbabwe,” FAO AFRICA REPORT (December 2004).
Report of the National Conference on Women’s Property Rights and Livelihoods in the Context of HIV and AIDS%3$s>
Full citation: FAO, “Report of the National Conference on Women’s Property Rights and Livelihoods in the Context of HIV and AIDS ,” FAO SOUTHERN AFRICA REPORT (January 2006).
Protecting Women’s Land and Property Rights in the Context of AIDS%3$s>
Full citation: FAO, “Protecting Women’s Land and Property Rights in the Context of AIDS ,” 4(5) GENDER IN AGRICULTURE SOURCE BOOK (The World Bank, October 2009).