The Land Inequality Initiative Conceptual Paper by Elise Scalise
Record Author: International Land Coalition (ILC)
Uneven Ground: Land Inequality at the Heart of Unequal Societies%3$s>
Research Findings from The Land Inequality Initiative Synthesis Report
International Mechanisms for Protecting Human Rights Defenders at Risk for their Work on Land Rights%3$s>
Women’s Land Rights Toolkit%3$s>
Information about 5 tools that have been successfully used by members of the International Land Coalition (ILC) to promote, protect and strengthen women’s land rights, intended to facilitate mutual learning based on good practices.
Village land use planning in rangelands in Tanzania: good practice and lessons learned%3$s>
Full citation: ILC, "Village land use planning in rangelands in Tanzania: good practice and lessons learned," 3 ILC ISSUE PAPER (2013).
Promoting People Centred Land Governance: Indonesia%3$s>
Promoting People Centred Land Governance: Cameroon%3$s>
Promoting People Centred Land Governance: Albania%3$s>
Understanding Gender Relations in the Land Discourse%3$s>
Compiled and edited by Sunila Singh & Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Indigenous Peoples and local communities land rights toolkit%3$s>
"This toolkit gathers together information on ten tools that have been successfully used by members of the International Land Coalition (ILC) to promote, protect and strengthen indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ land rights. It is intended to facilitate mutual learning based on the good practices of specific ILC members."