Full citation: Rugadya, M. and Scalise, E., "Developing a National Land Policy in Uganda: A Learning Process," LANDESA REPORT (2013).
Record Author: Rugadya, M
Gender and the Land Reform Process in Uganda: Assessing Gains and Losses for Women in Uganda%3$s>
Source: Rugadya, M., Obaikol, E. and Kamusiime, H., “Gender and the Land Reform Process in Uganda: Assessing Gains and Losses for Women in Uganda,” 2 AfD LAND RESEARCH SERIES (August 2004).
Women’s Rights to Productive Assets – Land: Lessons Learnt from Uganda%3$s>
Full citation: Rugadya, M., “Women’s Rights to Productive Assets – Land: Lessons Learnt from Uganda,” UN WOMEN EXPERT PAPER (2012).