Full Citation: Wang, S., van Kooten, G. C., and Wilson, B., “Mosiac of reform: forest policy in post-1978 China,” 6(1) FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS 71 (2004).
Record Category: Citations
Towards decentralization and privatization of China’s collective forestlands: A Study of 9 villages in 3 provinces%3$s>
Full Citation: Shen, Y., Zhnag, X., Xu, X., Zhu, Z., and Jiang, C., “Towards decentralization and privatization of China’s collective forestlands: A Study of 9 villages in 3 provinces,” 11(4) INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW 28 (2009).
Women, Wives and Land Rights in Africa: Situating Gender Beyond the Household in the Debate Over Land Policy and Changing Tenure Systems%3$s>
Full citation: Yngstrom, I. “Women, Wives and Land Rights in Africa: Situating Gender Beyond the Household in the Debate Over Land Policy and Changing Tenure Systems,” 30(1) OXFORD DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 21 (February 2002).
From a Gender Perspective: Notions of Land Tenure Security in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania%3$s>
Full citation: Englert, B., “From a Gender Perspective: Notions of Land Tenure Security in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania” 19(1) JOURNAL FÜR ENTWICKLUNGSPOLITIK (Austrian Journal of Development Studies) 75 (March 2003).
Towards Achieving Equal Rights in Marriage%3$s>
Full Citation: Singh, K., “Towards Achieving Equal Rights in Marriage,” 24 ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (June 2012).
New Agribusiness Investments Mean Wholesale Sell-Out for Women Farmers%3$s>
Full citation: Tandon, N., “New Agribusiness Investments Mean Wholesale Sell-Out for Women Farmers,” 18(3) GENDER & DEVELOPMENT 503 (November 2010).
Women’s Land Rights%3$s>
Full citation: ActionAid International, “Women’s Land Rights,” ACTIONAID INTERNATIONAL DISCUSSION PAPER (March 2006).
Cultivating Women’s Rights for Access to Land%3$s>
Full citation: Hatcher, J., Meggiolaro, L. and Ferrer, C.S., “Cultivating Women’s Rights for Access to Land,” ACTIONAID AND INTERNATIONAL FOOD SECURITY NETWORK COUNTRY ANALYSIS REPORT (October 2005).
Making Progress, Slowly: New Attention to Women’s Rights in Natural Resource Law Reform in Africa%3$s>
Full citation: Wily,L.A., “Making Progress, Slowly: New Attention to Women’s Rights in Natural Resource Law Reform in Africa,” CTA/GOU REGIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATION (Kampala, February 2001).
The National Land Policy for Kenya: Critical Gender Issues and Policy Statements%3$s>
Full citation: Kenya Land Alliance, “The National Land Policy in Kenya: Critical Gender Issues and Policy Statements,” 1 KLA ISSUES PAPER (August 2004).