ILO Convention 169
Record Category: Legal Materials
Peru Law on the Registry of Rural Landed Property%3$s>
Spanish Name: Ley del Resitro de Predios Rurales
Uganda Local Council Courts Act 2006%3$s>
Uganda Land Acquisition Act 1965%3$s>
Uganda Land in Buganda (Provisional Certificates) Act 1922%3$s>
Uganda Registration of Titles Act 1924%3$s>
Uganda Magistrates Courts Act%3$s>
Reply of the NPC Legislative Affairs Committee to the Question of Whether “Confiscating Illegal Income” Includes Land Confiscation%3$s>
Chinese Title: 全国人大常委会法制工作委员会关于“没收非法所得”是否包含没收土地问题的答复1990
Opinion about Developing the Rural Land Contracting and Operation Rights Pilot Project Work%3$s>
Chinese Title: 关于开展农村土地承包经营权登记试点工作的意见2011
China Regulations for the Rural Land Contracting and Operation Rights Pilot Project%3$s>
Chinese Title: 农村土地承包经营权登记试点工作规程(试行)2012