Loi n° 5-2003 du 18 janvier 2003 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de la Commission nationale des Droits de l’Homme. Text repealed by Law No. 30-2018.
Record Category: Legal Materials
Law on the powers, organization and functioning of the National Commission for Human Rights (Law No. 5-2003)
Law Determining the Organization, Composition, and Functioning of the Advisory Council for Women (Law No. 14-2018)
By Kat Oak
Loi organique n° 14 -2018 du 15 mars 2018 déterminant l’organisation, la composition et le fonctionnement du Conseil consultatif de la femme.
Promotion and Protection of Indigenous Peoples (Act No. 5-2011)
By Kat Oak
Mozambique Law on Forest and Wildlife Act (Act No. 10/99)
By Kat Oak
Amended by: Law No. 16/2014 establishing the basic principles and rules on the protection, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity within conservation areas. Law No. 16/2014 on Protection, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity.
Mozambique Investment Law Regulations (Decree No. 43/2009)
By Kat Oak
Decree setting the terms and conditions for the allocation of forest concessions to local communities (No. 14/018)
By Kat Oak
Décret n° 14/018 du 02 août 2014 fixant les modalités d’attribution des concessions forestières aux communautés locales.
iTaukei Land Trust (Lease and Licenses) Regulations
By Kat Oak
iTaukei Land Trust Act
By Kat Oak
CONTINUE READING iTaukei Land Trust Act 1 min read
iTaukei Affairs Act
By Kat Oak
CONTINUE READING iTaukei Affairs Act 1 min read
iTaukei Lands Act
By Kat Oak
CONTINUE READING iTaukei Lands Act 1 min read