Record Country: Afghanistan
Afghanistan in 2010: A Survey of the Afghan People%3$s>
A Study of Gender Equity through the National Solidarity Programme’s Community Development Councils%3$s>
Afghanistan Law on Land Expropriation%3$s>
Property Rights and Resource Governance Country Profile: Afghanistan%3$s>
Afghanistan Civil Law%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Afghanistan Civil Law 1 min read
Gender and Property Rights within Postconflict Situations%3$s>
Full citation:Lastarria-Cornhiel, S., “Gender and Property Rights within Postconflict Situation,” 12 USAID ISSUE PAPER (April 2005).
Cultivating Women’s Rights for Access to Land%3$s>
Full citation: Hatcher, J., Meggiolaro, L. and Ferrer, C.S., “Cultivating Women’s Rights for Access to Land,” ACTIONAID AND INTERNATIONAL FOOD SECURITY NETWORK COUNTRY ANALYSIS REPORT (October 2005).