Full Citation: Wang, H., et al, “To reallocate or not: Reconsidering the dilemma in China’s agricultural land tenure policy,” 28(4) LAND USE POLICY 805 (2011).
Record Country: China
Introduction: Rural Economic Reforms and Chinese Family Patterns%3$s>
Full Citation: Whyte, M. K., “Introduction: Rural Economic Reforms and Chinese Family Patterns,” 130 THE CHINA QUARTERLY 317 (1992).
Rural Women, Displacement and the Three Gorges Project%3$s>
Full Citation: Tan, Y., Hugo, G. and Potter, L., “Rural Women, Displacement and the Three Gorges Project,” 36 DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 711 (2005).
Increasing Women’s Participation in Village Government in China: Is It Worth It?%3$s>
Full Citation: Jacka, T., “Increasing Women’s Participation in Village Government in China: Is It Worth It?” 40(4) CRITICAL ASIAN STUDIES 499 (2008).
Opinion about Developing the Rural Land Contracting and Operation Rights Pilot Project Work%3$s>
Chinese Title: 关于开展农村土地承包经营权登记试点工作的意见2011
China Regulations for the Rural Land Contracting and Operation Rights Pilot Project%3$s>
Chinese Title: 农村土地承包经营权登记试点工作规程(试行)2012
Shanxi Province Measures for Distributing Compensation for Expropriation of Farmers’ Collective-owned Land%3$s>
Chinese Title: 山西省征收征用农民集体所有土地征地补偿费分配使用办法2005
Citation only: Implementation Rules of Nanjing City Social Security Measures for Staff Whose Land Has Been Expropriated%3$s>
Chinese Title: 《南京市被征地人员社会保障办法》实施细则2010 Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!
Nanjing City Social Security Measures for Staff Whose Land Has Been Expropriated%3$s>
Chinese Title: 《南京市被征地人员社会保障办法》2010