Full citation: Deere, C. D., Oduro, A., Swaminathan, H. and Doss, C., “Property Rights and the Gender Distribution of Wealth in Ecuador, Ghana and India,” 13 GENDER ASSET GAP PROJECT WORKING PAPER (August 2012). – This paper finds that basic property rights are insufficient, for much depends upon the legal and cultural regimes related to marriage and inheritance. Drawing upon household asset surveys which collected individual level ownership data in Ecuador, Ghana and the state of Karnataka in India, it estimates married women’s share of couple wealth and relate it to whether major household assets are owned individually or jointly […]
Record Country: Ghana
Women’s Land Rights in the Transition to Individualized Ownership: Implications for Tree Resource Management in Western Ghana%3$s>
This study explores the impact of changes in land tenure institutions on women’s land rights and the efficiency of tree resource management in Western Ghana. It finds that customary land tenure institutions have evolved toward individualized systems to provide incentives to invest in tree planting. However, contrary to the common belief that individualization of land tenure weakens women’s land rights, these have been strengthened through inter vivos gifts and the practice of the Intestate Succession Law. Investment in tree planting, in turn, is affected not simply by the level of land tenure security, but also by its expected changes, as […]
Unmasking Land Grabbing in Ghana; Restoring Livelihoods; Paving Way for Sustainable Development Goals%3$s>
Perceived Land Tenure Security and Rural Transformation: Empirical Evidence from Ghana%3$s>
Engendering Access to Justice: Grassroots women’s approaches to securing land rights%3$s>
The community-based study has three purposes: 1. Highlight the multitude of issues and challenges facing African women in relation to land and property. 2. Document the main strategies that grassroots women’s groups are using to help women attain justice, either by working within or influencing customary legal frameworks, or by assisting women to access the court system, in order to develop a cohesive series of strategies for grassroots women-led groups to use in achieving justice in relation to land and property. 3. Provide evidence that can be used to insert grassroots women’s perspectives and practices into the existing development discourse […]