Full Citation: World Bank, East Asia and Pacific Region, “Implementation Completion and Results Report, Lao People’s Democratic Republic for the Second Titling Project,” (2010).
Record Country: Laos
Lao Women’s Union: Promotion and Protection of Lao’s Women’s Rights%3$s>
Full Citation: “Lao Women’s Union: Promotion and Protection of Lao’s Women’s Rights,” (2009).
Who Benefits from Land Titling? Lessons Learned From Bolivia and Laos%3$s>
Full Citation: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), “Who Benefits from Land Titling? Lessons Learned From Bolivia and Laos,” (2007).
Lao PDR: Country Gender Profile%3$s>
Full Citation: Gender Resource Information and Development Centre (GRID), “Lao PDR: Country Gender Profile,” (2006).
Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD: Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America%3$s>
Indigenous Women in Southeast Asia: Challenges to Their Access to Justice%3$s>
Agricultural Land Acquisitions: A Lens on Southeast Asia%3$s>
The Gender and Equity Implications of Land-Related Investments on Land Access and Labour and Income-Generating Opportunities: A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in LAO PDR%3$s>
Full citation: Daley, E., Osorio, M. and Park, C. M. Y., “The Gender and Equity Implications of Land-Related Investments on Land Access and Labour and Income-Generating Opportunities: A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in LAO PDR,” FAO REPORT (2013).
Laos Forestry Law%3$s>
By Kat Oak
CONTINUE READING Laos Forestry Law 1 min read
Laos Law on Contracts%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Laos Law on Contracts 1 min read