Approved in 2009
Record Country: Liberia
Land Rights, Private Use Permits and Forest Communities%3$s>
Full citation: De Wit, P., "Land Rights, Private Use Permits and Forest Communities," LAND COMMISSION OF LIBERIA REPORT (2012).
Land Inventory and Land Management Planning in Sinoe County%3$s>
Full citation: De Wit, P., "Land Inventory and Land Management Planning in Sinoe County," LAND COMMISSION OF LIBERIA REPORT (2012).
Liberia Domestic Relations Law, 1973%3$s>
Liberia Equal Rights of Customary Marriage Law of 1998%3$s>
An Act to govern the devolution of estates and establish rights of inheritance for spouses of both statutory and customary marriages, approved in 2003.
Using the law for resource justice%3$s>
iied Land acquisitions and rights | Law | Natural resource management > Legal tools for citizen empowerment Blog on 28 April 2015.
Evaluation, Research and Communication Project Final Report%3$s>
"The Evaluation, Research and Communication (ERC) project was a five-year initiative under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights (STARR) indefinite quantity contract. Implemented from May 2013-July 2018, the goal of ERC was to create, expand and communicate evidence-based knowledge around best land tenure and property rights practices in order to enhance internal USAID and external U.S. Government learning, guide program design and implementation, and make effective use of development resources to accomplish key development objectives."
Women’s Land Rights in Liberia in Law, Practice, and Future Reforms: LGSA Women’s Land Rights Study%3$s>
Prepared for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Prindex: Comparative Report%3$s>
Protecting Community Lands and Resources: Evidence from Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda%3$s>
Namati and International Development Law Organization (IDLO) publication. – The study’s objectives were to: facilitate the documentation and protection of customarily held community lands through legally established community land titling processes; understand how to best support communities to successfully protect their lands and determine the types and level of support required; and pilot strategies to guard against intra-community injustice and discrimination during community land titling processes and protect the interests of vulnerable groups. Cross-national analysis of the data illustrates that the by-laws/constitution-drafting process had a statistically significant impact on the substance of women’s and other vulnerable groups’ land rights. [Threats […]