Décret n° 99-954 du 15 décembre 1999 modifié par le décret n° 2004-167 du 03 février 2004 relatif à la mise en compatibilité des investissements avec l’environnement (MECIE)
Record Country: Madagascar
Decree No. 99-954 of December 15, 1999 amended by Decree no. 2004-167 of February 3, 2004 relating to the implementation compatibility of investments with the environment (MECIE)%3$s>
Decree No. 2000-027 relating to communities responsible for the local development of renewable natural resources%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Decret N° 2000-027 du 13 janvier 2000 relatif aux communautés de base chargées de la gestion locale de ressources naturelles renouvelables
Decree No. 2000-028 relating to environmental mediators%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Decret N° 2000-028 du 13 janvier 2000 Relatif aux médiateurs environnementaux
Law relating to local development of renewable natural resources (Law No. 96-025) [Secure Management Law]%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Loi relative à la gestion locale des ressources naturelles renouvelables (Loi No. 96-025)
Law on Succession, Wills, and Donations (Law No. 68-012) [Inheritance Law]%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Relative aux Successions, Testaments et Donations (Loi No. 68-012)
National Gender and Development Action Plan (Decree No. 2003-1184)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Plan d’Action national Genre et Développement (Décret No. 2003-1184)
Law Establishing the Principles Governing the Statutes of Lands (Law No. 2005-019) [Land Law]%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Fixant les Principes Régissant les Statuts des Terres (Loi No. 2005-019)
Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ Programming%3$s>
By Kat Oak
“The purpose of this study is to understand the legal and policy constraints and opportunities in each of the 17-carbon fund (CF) countries affecting women’s land and forest tenure. The study also explores women’s ability to exercise land and forest rights in statutory and customary systems; how these rights may be affected by the CF programs (ERPs and BSPs); as well as what is needed to further protect and strengthen women’s rights to land and forest tenure along with their ability to govern in the CF countries.” The following documents include Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ […]