Full citation: Agarwal, B. (1995). A Field of One’s Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Record Country: Multiple Countries
Women’s Property Rights, HIV and AIDS & Domestic Violence: Research Findings from Two Districts in South Africa and Uganda%3$s>
Source: ICRW, HSRC and AfD, “Women’s Property Rights, HIV and AIDS & Domestic Violence: Research Findings from Two Districts in South Africa and Uganda,” (HSRC Press, 2008).
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169)%3$s>
ILO Convention 169
Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development%3$s>
Gender and Command over Property: A Critical Gap in Economic Analysis and Policy in South Asia%3$s>
Full Citation: Agarwal, B., “Gender and Command Over Property: A Critical Gap in Economic Analysis and Policy in South Asia,” 22(10) WORLD DEVELOPMENT 1478 (1994)
Gender and Productive Assets: Implications for Women’s Economic Security and Productivity%3$s>
Full Citation: Kelkar, G., “Gender and Productive Assets: Implications for Women’s Economic Security and Productivity,” 23 ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (June 2011).
Property Ownership for Women Enriches, Empowers and Protects Towards Achieving the Third Millennium Development Goal to Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women%3$s>
Full Citation: ICRW, “Property Ownership for Women Enriches, Empowers and Protects Towards Achieving the Third Millennium Development Goal to Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women,” ICRW MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS SERIES (2005)
Women’s Land Rights in South Asia: Struggles and Diverse Contexts%3$s>
Full Citation: Velayudhan, M., “Women’s Land Rights in South Asia: Struggles and Diverse Contexts,” 44 ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (Oct. 2009).
Land Reform: Still a Goal Worth Pursuing for Rural Women?%3$s>
Full Citation: Jacobs, S., “Land reform: still a goal worth pursuing for rural women?” 14 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 887 (2002).
Eliminating Poverty? “Financial Inclusion”, Access to Land, and Gender Equality in International Development%3$s>
Full citation: Manji, A., “Eliminating Poverty? “Financial Inclusion”, Access to Land, and Gender Equality in International Development,” 73(6) THE MODERN LAW REVIEW (2010).