Full citation: Cotula, L. and Mathieu, P., “Legal Empowerment in Practice: Using Legal Tools to Secure Land Rights in Africa,” IIED & FAO REPORT (May 2008).
Record Country: Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone Land Laws%3$s>
Item 1 includes a Table of Contents and the Crown Lands Ordinance, No.19 of 1960. Item 2 includes Crown Lands (Amendment) Act No. 37 of 1961, Crown Lands (Amendment) Act No. 18 of 1963, Public Lands Ordinance, Cap. 116 (1960), Unoccupied Lands Act, Cap. 117 (1960), Concessions Act, Cap. 121 (1960), Provinces Land Act, Cap. 122 (1960), Provinces Land (Amendment) Act No. 11 of 1965, Provinces Land (Amendment) Act No. 18 of 1976, Protectorate Land (Amendment) Ordinance No. 15 of 1961, Land Development (Protection) Act No. 61 of 1962, Non-Citizens (Interest in Lands) Act No. 30 of 1966 and Non-Citizens […]
Citation Only: Sierra Leone Christian Marriage (Amendment) (No. 2) Act No. 48 of 1965%3$s>
Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!
Citation Only: Sierra Leone Civil Marriage (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 1964%3$s>
Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!
Citation Only: Sierra Leone Civil Marriage (Amendment) (No. 2) Act No. 49 of 1965%3$s>
Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!
Citation Only: Sierra Leone Matrimonial Causes (Amendment) Act No. 16 of 1961%3$s>
Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!
Citation Only: Sierra Leone Administration of Estates (Amendment) Act No. 19 of 1972%3$s>
Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!
Citation Only: Sierra Leone Administration of Estates (Amendment) Act No. 16 of 1975%3$s>
Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!
Citation Only: Sierra Leone Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act, Cap. 46 (1960)%3$s>
Currently, we do not have the full-text of this law. Please contact us if you have this document. Thank you!