Record Item Language: English
Constitution of Tigray%3$s>
Promises, Power, and Poverty: Corporate Land Deals and Rural Women in Africa%3$s>
Abstract: The rush to invest in farmland in Africa is having an immediate impact on women’s land-use options, on their livelihoods, on food availability and the cost of living, and, ultimately, on women’s access to land for food production. These are only the economic impacts. Women’s knowledge, socio-cultural relationship with the land, and stewardship of nature are also under threat. Too often ignored, rural women’s voices and perspectives need to be heeded urgently if a robust rural economy and food for all are to be guaranteed.
Gender Asset and Wealth Gaps Evidence from Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India%3$s>
Excerpt from Preface: This publication is the first comparative report on the gender asset and wealth gaps using unique individual-level asset data from Ecuador, Ghana, and Karnataka, India. These countries represent geographic diversity and demonstrate rich differences in context, legal practices, and cultural norms. The patterns of men’s and women’s asset ownership differ across countries and by asset. Besides the summary of our key empirical findings contained here, we are publishing an accompanying policy brief that distills key lessons for public policy. The data collected is immensely rich and this report represents only the first step in the analysis of […]
Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice%3$s>
Women Transforming Indian Agriculture%3$s>
A Collection of Case Studies from Indira Kranthi Patham of Andhra Pradesh and Kudumbashree Mission of Kerala
Public Lands (Preserved Areas) Ordinance%3$s>
Gender Inequalities in Ownership and Control of Land in Africa: Myths versus Reality%3$s>
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)Discussion Paper 01308