U.S. Library of Congress – Global Legal Monitor
Record Item Language: English
Constitution of Suriname, 1987 (rev. 1992)%3$s>
The source for this link is the Georgetown University Political Database of the Americas.
Constitution of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines%3$s>
The source for this link is the Georgetown University Political Database of the Americas.
Constitution of Saint Lucia%3$s>
The source for this link is the Georgetown University Political Database of the Americas.
Constitution of Saint Kitts and Nevis%3$s>
The source for this link is the Georgetown University Political Database of the Americas.
Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, 1994 [English]%3$s>
The source for this link is the Association for Participatory Democracy.
Constitution of Jamaica%3$s>
The source for this link is the Georgetown University Political Database of the Americas.
Constitution of Haiti, 1987 [English]%3$s>
The source for this link is the Georgetown University Political Database of the Americas.
Constitution of Grenada%3$s>
The source for this link is the Georgetown University Political Database of the Americas.
Basic Law (Constitution) of the Federal Republic of Germany [English]%3$s>
The source for this link is Oxford University Comparative Law Society.