Record Item Language: French
Benin Coutumier du Dahomey%3$s>
While Family law in Benin is governed by the 2004 Code of Persons and Family. In practice, although customary law is no longer recognized by the courts, women continue to be subject to the Coutumier du Dahomey. The Coutumier du Dahomey is a collection of customs and rules codified in 1931 when Benin was a French colony known as French Dahomey.
CONTINUE READING Benin Coutumier du Dahomey 1 min read
Coutumier du Dahomey [French]%3$s>
Algeria Family Code%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Algeria Family Code 1 min read
Ordinance No. 05-02 amending and supplementing Law No. 84-11 of 1984 on the Family Code [French]%3$s>
Family Code [French]%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Family Code [French] 1 min read
Cote d’Ivoire Law on Marriage%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Amendments to the Law on Marriage (n.d.)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
This Amendment repeals section 53, and amends section 58, 59, 60, and 67 of the Law No. 64-375 on Law on Marriage as amended by Law No. 83-800 of 1983.