Record Item Language: French
Forest Code%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Forest Code 1 min read
Law on the Fundmental Principles of Agriculture%3$s>
Agricultural Code: The Better Tool for Organizing Sustainable Development%3$s>
Study on Gender, Rights and Tenure in the Management of Distributed Land and Forest Resources in Mali%3$s>
Land and Forest Tenure in the DRC: A critical question, of centrifugal views%3$s>
Land, Power and Identity: Roots of Violent Conflict in Eastern DRC%3$s>
CEDAW Country Report: Madagascar%3$s>
CEDAW Fourth and Fifth Periodic Report: DRC%3$s>
Congo (Democratic Republic of) General Law on Property%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Law No. 73-021 of July 20, 1973 on General Property Regime, Land Regime and Real Estate and Security Regime Such as Amended and Completed by Law No. 80-008 of July 18, 1980.