This version of the 1970 act contains amendments indicated in the document.
Record Item Year: 1970
Forest Resources and Timber Utilisation Act, 1970%3$s>
This act was repealed by the Forests Act, 1999.
Succession Act of Botswana%3$s>
The link below opens up to the Botswana e-Laws search page. You can perform a search using a keyword such as "Succession" to retrieve the appropriate results.
CONTINUE READING Succession Act of Botswana 1 min read
Foreign Marriage Rules, 1970%3$s>
These rules were located online and verified with the book: Kusum, UNIVERSAL’S MARRIAGE & DIVORCE LAW MANUAL 79-82 (Universal Law Publishing Co. 2000).
Ordinance No. 05-01 Amending the Nationality Code%3$s>
Government Leaseholds (Conversion to Right of Occupancy) Act, 1970%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Subdivision of Agricultural Land, 1970%3$s>
Note: The whole of this Act has been repealed by section 1 of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act Repeal Act 64 of 1998.
Land Code of Sweden%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Land Code of Sweden 1 min read