Record Item Year: 1974
Establishment of Legal Regime of Forest Lands or Preferably Suitable for Afforestation, and the Establishment Promotion Rules of That Matter (DL 701) [original text]%3$s>
Muslim Marriages and Divorces (Registration) Act, 1974%3$s>
Succession Act of Bermuda%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Succession Act of Bermuda 1 min read
Administration of Estates Act of Bermuda%3$s>
Maintenance Orders Act of Ireland%3$s>
African peasants and revolution%3$s>
Labor Code%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Labor Code 1 min read
Decree 74-1974 Identifying Arable Lands in the Province of Telmissan%3$s>
al Jariddah al Rasmyah, 31 January 1974.