Record Item Year: 1999
Village Land Act, 1999%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Village Land Act, 1999 1 min read
Constitution of Venezuela, 1999 [English]%3$s>
The source for this link is the Embassy of the Bolivalrian Republic of Venezuela.
Constitution of Venezuela [Spanish]%3$s>
Matrimonial Regimes, Inheritance and Liberalities Law of Rwanda [English]%3$s>
This law supplements Book One of the Rwandan Civil Code and institutes part five regarding matrimonial regimes, liberalities and successions.
Regulations on the Adoption of Children Law, 1999 [Spanish]%3$s>
Ley 19620 (05-AGO-1999) Dicta normas sobre adopción de menores
Law to Supplement Book I of the Civil Code and to Institute Part Five Regarding Matrimonial Regimes, Liberalities and Successions%3$s>
Land Act, 1999%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Land Act, 1999 1 min read