Abstract: Property-grabbing from widows and orphans began long before the HIV and AIDS pandemic. However, the scale of HIV infection rates, stigmatisation, and the social and economic vulnerability of widows and orphans have worsened the situation. Targets of psychological and physical harassment, dispossessed of their property and evicted form their homes, women and children are left destitute. Too often, the personal stories of both hardship and resilience in the face of adversity are lost in the statistics and dry overviews of national policies and epidemiological trends. Excluded from statistics, these women and children become invisible. This collection of narratives from […]
Record Item Year: 2006
Land Tenure Reform and Gender Equality%3$s>
Real Property Act of Trinidad and Tobago%3$s>
Civil Code of France: Older version [English]%3$s>
English version as of 2006. See French version for changes made through 2013.
Constitution of Serbia, 2006%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.