Record Item Year: 2007
Constitution of Barbados, 1966 (rev. 2007)%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago, 1976 (rev. 2007)%3$s>
The source for this link is the government of Trinidad and Tobago.
Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago, 1976 (rev. 2007)%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Constitution of Mexico, 1917 (rev. 2007) [English]%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Montenegro Constitution, 2007%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Gender in Uganda’s National Land Policy%3$s>
Abstract: In this paper, the context within which the National Land Policy ascribes to tackle gender issues and specially provide for entrenchment, opportunity and strengthening of women’s land rights is analyzed. In the first part acknowledgement of influencing context conditions that refine gender issues are detailed these include; the nature of women’s rights, position of women given their transient rights, the consequences of gender inequality on land and the effect of dispute resolution on land matters. The economic efficiency and equity theory together with the human rights discourse have provided a firm foundation for negotiating and demanding for women’s rights […]
Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Land Administration and Use Proclamation No. 110/2007%3$s>
Oromia Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation No. 130/2007%3$s>
Proclamation to amend the Proclamation No. 56/2002, 70/2003, 103/2005 of Oromia Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation No. 130/2007