The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Record Item Year: 2009
Gender Implications of Decentralised Land Reform: The Case of Zimbabwe%3$s>
Children and Women’s Rights to Property and Inheritance in Mozambique: Elements for an Effective Intervention Strategy%3$s>
Protecting Women’s Land and Property Rights in the Context of AIDS%3$s>
Challenges in Asserting Women’s Land Rights in Southern Africa%3$s>
Luxembourg Constitution, 1868 (rev. 2009) [English]%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Act, 2009%3$s>
Land Commission Act of 2008%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Land Commission Act of 2008 1 min read