Record Item Year: 2011

Gender and Productive Assets: Implications for Women’s Economic Security and Productivity

“Asset ownership and control rights are preferable to numerous policy alternatives for women’s empowerment. This paper is an attempt at drawing attention to the complex inter-relationship between women agricultural producers and their lack of rights to land and related factors of production. It further explores implications of women’s marginal rights to land for their economic security and agricultural productivity.”

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To reallocate or not: Reconsidering the dilemma in China’s agricultural land tenure policy

In China, rural land is collectively owned at the village level. Village officials usually have the power to reallocate land property across families on an ongoing basis due to demographic changes in the village. Realizing that frequent land reallocation and abusive land requisition will undermine economic productivity as well as social stability, the “Rural Land Contract Law” passed in 2002 explicitly reads that farmland tenure security must be maintained for at least 30 years since the last nationwide reallocation in 1998. The frequency and magnitude of land reallocation in Chinese villages have decreased as a result. However, failure to allocate […]

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