United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Publication.
Record Item Year: 2012
Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Realizing Women’s Rights to Productive Resources with a Focus on Land: Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan%3$s>
Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD: Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America%3$s>
Making Change Happen: How and Where to Realize Women’s Land Rights in Vanuatu%3$s>
UN Women Expert Paper
Land Titling as Women’s Empowerment: Critical Observations from Recife Brazil%3$s>
University of Illinois, DRAFT Thesis
Land to the Tillers of Myanmar%3$s>
New York Times Article.
Land Rights for Women: a Ripple Effect%3$s>
Next Billion Blog.
Land Rights for Women can Help Ease India’s Child Malnutrition Crisis%3$s>
Poverty Matters Blog.
Land and women empowerment – Methodology and summary report of the PeruLandGender household survey%3$s>
Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) Working Paper.
Land grab as Development Strategy? The Political Economy of Agricultural Investment in Ethiopia%3$s>
Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 39, No. 1.