Record Item Year: 2012
Land Registration etc. Act of Scotland%3$s>
Constitution of Sweden, 1974 (rev. 2012)%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Asset Ownership and Egalitarian Decision-Making among Couples: Some Evidence from Ghana%3$s>
2012 Draft Constitution of the Republic of Zambia%3$s>
This is a draft constitution.
Constitution of South Africa, 1996 (rev. 2012)%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
Somalia Constitution, 2012%3$s>
The source of this link is Constitute. The Constitute Project provides the World’s constitutions (in English) to read, search and compare.
CONTINUE READING Somalia Constitution, 2012 1 min read
Somalia Constitution, 2012%3$s>
The source for this link is the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS).
CONTINUE READING Somalia Constitution, 2012 1 min read
Land Act of Kenya%3$s>
No. 6 of 2012.
CONTINUE READING Land Act of Kenya 1 min read
Land Registration Act of Kenya%3$s>
No. 3 of 2012.