CGIAR Research Program On Climate Change, Agriculture And Food Security Report.
Record Item Year: 2012
Trajectories of Land Acquisition and Enclosure: Development schemes, virtual land grabs, and green acquisitions in Indonesia’s Outer Islands%3$s>
The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 39, No. 2.
The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index%3$s>
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper.
The Ugandan Land Alliance Quarterly Newsletter 9th Edition Jan-Mar 2012%3$s>
ULA Quarterly Newsletter.
The Top 5 Ways to Access World Bank Data%3$s>
World Bank Blog containing tips for accessing the World Bank’s Data.
The State of Food and Agriculture 2012%3$s>
The Millennium Development Goals Report: Gender Chart 2012%3$s>
The Global Land Rush: What the Evidence Reveals about Scale and Geography%3$s>
International Institute for Environment and Development (iied) Briefing.
The Challenges of Securing Women’s Tenure and Leadership for Forest Management%3$s>
Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Report.
Tapping the Potential: The Role of Grassroots in Land Policy Implementation%3$s>
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) Publication.