Record Item Year: 2014; updated 2022

Tool Two. Template: Community-Based Facilitator Self-Assessment + Discussion Guide

Community-Based Facilitators (CBFs) should be given Part I of this assessment to fill out at the beginning of their training. This assessment should form the basis for their training and for ongoing support. Part II of the assessment should be conducted as an interview with the CBF, to assess the CBF’s understanding of the gender and social dynamics regarding land and resources in the community.

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Tool Twenty-Three. Template: Interview Consent Form

Before beginning the interviews, it is necessary to explain to the individuals why we would like to conduct the interviews, and what they’ll be used for. It should always be made clear that taking part in being interviewed is completely voluntary, and that individuals can change their mind about being interviewed at any time during the process.

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Tool Twenty-Two. Template: Field Recording Guidelines

When recording in the field, explain all the time, to everyone in the community, what you are doing. This is very important in helping to make sure that the project is not seen as something suspicious, secretive, or threatening. Just explaining what is happening and what you are doing with your camera or audio recorder can go a long way to easing any possible tensions that may arise about it, or any suspicions that it is hostile to the interests of men in the community.

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Tool Twenty. Template: End of Project Survey

As part of a Monitoring and Evaluation plan, ideal implementation of the Starting With Women approach will include conducting an end of project survey with both project participants and a control group. All project participants should be interviewed, and a robust sampling method should be used to ensure validity of the control group. Below is a sample survey, although questions should be tailored to the particular project context.

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