Record Item Year: 2014
Saudi Arabia: Women Not Allowed to Perform Notary Duties%3$s>
Gapminder is a non-profit venture…promoting sustainable global development and achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
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The 3 L’s of women’s empowerment%3$s>
Women’s Land Rights and Children’s Human Capital in Vietnam%3$s>
Environmental and gender impacts of land tenure regularization in Africa: pilot evidence from Rwanda%3$s>
Who Owns the Land? Perspectives from Rural Ugandans and Implications for Large-Scale Land Acquisitions%3$s>
News Analysis: Laws for traditional leaders emulate the logic of apartheid%3$s>
Business Day (BD)live online article.
Reviled Land Act is being re-enacted%3$s>
Mail & Guardian online article.
New Form of Dispossession in SA: King’s Land Claim in KZN Signals Land Grab for Mineral Rights by Rural Elites%3$s>
A panel discussion examing the impact of traditional leadership on rural land reform and rural women, on 29 September 2014 at the Wits Club.