Record Jurisdiction: None
Estonia: Legalization of Civil Partnerships%3$s>
Guatemala: Congress Raises Marriage Age%3$s>
The World Survey on the Role of Women in Development 2014: Gender Equality and Sustainable Development%3$s>
Tackling the double injustice of climate change and gender inequality%3$s>
Property Rights and Resource Governance Project (PRRGP): Opportunities for USAID Engagement on Women’s Property Rights in Vietnam%3$s>
Gender Equality & Women and Girls Empowerment: considerations for the post 2015 agenda%3$s>
Securing Land Rights for Women and Girls in Northern Uganda: Women’s Land Rights Framework%3$s>
Ferghana Valley: Current Challenges%3$s>
Kyrgyz Country Case Study%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Kyrgyz Country Case Study 1 min read