Full citation: De Wit, P., "Land Inventory and Land Management Planning in Sinoe County," LAND COMMISSION OF LIBERIA REPORT (2012).
Record Jurisdiction: None
Protection of the right to land, territory and natural resources in regional and international law in Africa: A Toolkit for NGOs in the Democratic Republic of Congo%3$s>
Full citation: Forest Peoples Programme, "Protection of the right to land, territory and natural resources in regional and international law in Africa: A Toolkit for NGOs in the Democratic Republic of Congo," (2013).
The Perils of Widowhood%3$s>
Household dynamics in pastoral communities and implications for humanitarian aid interventions%3$s>
Full citation: Flintan, F., Ebro, A., Balehegn, M., Aden, H., Disasa, H., Negasa, B., Assefa, A., Eba, B., Getahun, Y. and Mohammed, M. 2019. Household dynamics in pastoral communities and implications for humanitarian aid interventions. ILRI Discussion Paper 37. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Pastoral women’s rights and leadership forums, Tanzania: Experience, impact and lessons learned%3$s>
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Where are the women? A review and conceptual framework for addressing gender equity in charcoal value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa%3$s>
Abstract The importance of the charcoal sector is growing rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to providing an affordable energy source for residents in the continent's growing urban centers, the charcoal value chain offers a critical income source for millions of people. Despite recent studies suggesting that women are taking on an increasing role in charcoal value chains, data and analysis on the role of women and the influence of gendered power relations in the often male-coded charcoal value chain have remained limited. This literature review interrogates the gender dynamics of participation and benefits across charcoal value chains in Sub-Saharan […]
USAID/Rwanda Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis Report%3$s>
"The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Rwanda contracted Banyan Global to identify key gender and social inclusion advances, opportunities, inequalities, and constraints across Rwanda’s democracy and governance, economic growth, health, and education sectors. The findings and recommendations in this report offer insights to the USAID/Rwanda mission as it develops its 2020–2024 country development cooperation strategy (CDCS)."
Deeds and Misdeeds: Land Titling and Women’s Rights in Tanzania%3$s>
"This article draws on field research in different parts of Tanzania—the southern highlands, the central plateau, the shores of Lake Tanganyika, to the west, and the lush valley of Babati, in the northern region of Manyara—to examine the gendered outcomes of the land-formalization process. We present a number of specific case studies, involving women in varying social positions and land parcels of different value. Over the course of eight years, our team also investigated titling in some forty villages, assessing the certification data in the land registries of different districts.4 First, though, it may be helpful to set out some […]
International Agreements and How to Build a Legal Case for Women’s Land Rights%3$s>
This framework is intended to help you assess the current situation for women’s land rights in a specific country, state, or community.
Women’s Land Rights in Uganda%3$s>
This framework is intended to help you assess the current situation for women’s land rights in a specific country, state, or community.