CONTINUE READING Chile Civil Union Agreement 1 min read
Record Topic: Family & Personal Law
Central African Republic Protection of Women from Violence%3$s>
Central African Republic Family Code%3$s>
Canada Divorce Act%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Canada Divorce Act 1 min read
Brunei Married Women Act%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Brunei Married Women Act 1 min read
In the matter between Molefi Silabo Ramantele and Edith Modipane Mmusi et al%3$s>
This is a court opinion ruling on inheritance rights in Botswana.
Botswana Married Persons Property Act (MPPA)%3$s>
Botswana Dissolution of Marriage of Persons Subject to Customary Law Act%3$s>
Benin Portant prévention et répressiondes violences faites aux femmes%3$s>
Benin Code of Persons and Family%3$s>
This Code of Persons and Family was enacted in 2004 and is usually cited as the 2004 Code of Persons and Family. However, there may also be citations to the same law as the 2002 Code of Persons and Family. This is likely because the National Assembly passed the law in 2002, but then the President signed the law in 2004.