An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the protection and management of forests in the State. *Please note that the state of Orissa formally changed its name to Odisha in 2011.*
Record Topic: Forests
Orissa Forest Development Act%3$s>
An act to provide for the levy and collection of forest development tax on sales of forest produce by or on behalf of the state government or the Orissa Forest Development Corporation. *Please note that the state of Orissa formally changed its name to Odisha in 2011.*
Orissa Forest Produce (Control of Trade) Act%3$s>
An Act to provide for control and regulation of trade in certain forest produce. *Please note that the state of Orissa formally changed its name to Odisha in 2011.*
Individual tenure rights, citizenship, and conflicts: Outcomes from tribal India’s forest governance%3$s>
Full citation: Bose, P., 2013. Individual tenure rights, citizenship, and conflicts: Outcomes from tribal India’s forest governance. Forest Policy and Economics, Vol 33, pp. 71-79
China’s Classification-Based Forest Management: Procedures, Problems, and Prospects%3$s>
Full Citation: Dai, L., Zhao, F., Shao, G., Zhou, L., and Tang, L., “China’s Classification-Based Forest Management: Procedures, Problems, and Prospects.” 43(6) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 1162 (2008).
Towards decentralization and privatization of China’s collective forestlands: A Study of 9 villages in 3 provinces%3$s>
Full Citation: Shen, Y., Zhnag, X., Xu, X., Zhu, Z., and Jiang, C., “Towards decentralization and privatization of China’s collective forestlands: A Study of 9 villages in 3 provinces,” 11(4) INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW 28 (2009).
Mosaic of reform: Forest Policy in Post-1978 China%3$s>
Full Citation: Wang, S., van Kooten, G. C., and Wilson, B., “Mosiac of reform: forest policy in post-1978 China,” 6(1) FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS 71 (2004).