"This annotated bibliography highlights selected texts on drivers of change in gender norms. It summarises some texts that outline recent thinking on social norms and that apply this analysis to understanding why inequitable gender norms persist and when they change. The work concentrates on large-scale drivers of gender norm change, such as economic change, education, communications, legal change, social and political mobilisation and conflict, rather than on project-based experience."
Record Topic: Girls
Cases of Femicide before Lebanese Courts%3$s>
Innovative Customary Land Governance in Zambia: Experiences, Lessons Learned and Emerging Impacts%3$s>
FIG Working Week 2019 Geospatial information for a smarter life and environmental resilience Hanoi, Vietnam, April 22–26, 2019
GLTN Gender Strategy (2019–2030): Towards Securing Women’s and Girls’ Land and Property Rights%3$s>
Provides a framework for designing land tenure and governance interventions around women’s and girls’ land and property rights.
Gender Action Learning (GAL)%3$s>
Compendium of Most Significant Change (MSC) Stories from Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Vietnam, and Cambodia.
Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide: Land Sector Brief%3$s>
"This brief highlights the intersections between land programs/projects and violence against women and girls (VAWG) while providing recommendations for policy, institutional and community level interventions that may address VAWG or the underlying norms and attitudes that contribute to the use of violence against women. We hope Task Teams take time to read this short brief, along with the resource guide introduction. We hope to see more project related activities or components related to the prevention or response to VAWG within our land operations in the future and hope this resource give you a starting point for considering this development challenge affecting […]
Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights%3$s>
Harnessing the Power of Data for Gender Equality%3$s>
Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index