Record Topic: Land & Property
Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa Country Report: Tanzania%3$s>
Full citation: Oakland Institute Researchers, “Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa Country Report: Tanzania” COUNTRY REPORTS (The Oakland Institute 2011).
Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights: Improving Lives in a Changing Time%3$s>
Full citation: Steinzor, N., “Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights: Improving Lives in a Changing Time” FINAL SYNTHESIS AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS PAPER (USAID and WIDtech 2003).
Statutory Recognition of Customary Land Rights in Africa: An Investigation into Best Practices for Lawmaking and Implementation%3$s>
Full citation: Knight, R., “Statutory Recognition of Customary Land Rights in Africa: An Investigation into Best Practices for Lawmaking and Implementation” 105 FAO LEGISLATIVE STUDY (2010).
Two Faces of Change: The Need for a Bi-Directional Approach to Improve Women’s Land Rights in Plural Legal Systems%3$s>
Full citation: Kapur, A. “Two Faces of Change: The Need for a Bi-Directional Approach to Improve Women’s Land Rights in Plural Legal Systems” 4 IDLO WORKING PAPER SERIES (Leiden University 2011).
Legal Empowerment in Practice: Using Legal Tools to Secure Land Rights in Africa%3$s>
Full citation: Cotula, L. and Mathieu, P., “Legal Empowerment in Practice: Using Legal Tools to Secure Land Rights in Africa,” IIED & FAO REPORT (May 2008).
Land Acquisitions for Agribusiness in Tanzania: Prospects and Challenges%3$s>
Full citation: LEAT, “Land Acquisitions for Agribusiness in Tanzania: Prospects and Challenges,” LEAT GENERAL PUBLICATION (2011).
Human Rights, Formalisation and Women’s Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa%3$s>
Full citation: Ikdahl, I et al., “Human Rights, Formalisation and Women’s Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa”, 57 STUDIES IN WOMEN’S LAW, (University of Oslo, Norway 2005).