Record Topic: Land & Property
Framing the Debate: Islamic Inheritance Laws and Their Impact on Rural Women%3$s>
Kenya Land Laws (Amendment) Act%3$s>
Property Rights and Women’s Accumulation of Assets Over the Life Cycle: Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador%3$s>
Full citation: Deere, Carmen Diana, Jackeline Contreras and Jennifer Twyman. 2010. Property Rights and Women’s Accumulation of Assets Over the Life Cycle: Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador. ALASRU Nueva época. Análisis latinoamericana del medio rural, No. 5, 2010: 135-176. – This study looks at the recognition of women’s property rights in practice in Ecuador. One finding is that women may accumulate property in two ways, as individual property and as community property. While individual property, generally acquired through an inheritance, provides a fall back position, community property in marriage or unions has special benefits. Joint property compensates women for their work and […]
Gender and Land: Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Four Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact Funded Land Projects%3$s>
Full citation: Giovarelli, R., Hannay, L., Scalise, E., Richardson, A., Seitz, V. and Gaynor, R. (2015). “Gender and Land: Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Four Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact Funded Land Projects.” Landesa Center for Women’s Land Rights. – This paper looks at four MCC projects that involved titling land in Benin, Lesotho, Mali, and Namibia and how they ensured women’s rights to land were recognized. It finds that it is important to consider both formal and customary laws and provides examples of both; that it is important to identify all property rights holders, regardless of the overarching objectives […]
Policy reform toward gender equality in Ethiopia%3$s>
Full citation: Kumar, N. and Quisumbing, A., “Policy Reform toward Gender Equality in Ethiopia” 1226 IFPRI DISCUSSION PAPER (November 2012). – Using data from the Ethiopian Rural Household Survey (ERHS), the study shows how two seemingly unrelated reforms—community-based land registration, undertaken since 2003, and changes in the Family Code implemented in 2000—may have created conditions that reinforce each other in improving gender equity. Specifically, the analysis finds (among other things) impacts of the land registration effort on the evolution of perceptions of the distribution of assets upon divorce. The study found that awareness about the land registration process is positively […]
Women, Land and Law in Vietnam%3$s>
Full citation: Alvarado, G. et al. (2015). “Women, Land and Law in Vietnam.” ICRW.
The Gender Implications of Large-Scale Land Deals%3$s>
Full citation: Behrman, J., Meinzen-Dick, R. and Quisumbing, A. R., “The Gender Implicationsof Large-Scale Land Deals” 17 IFPRI POLICY BRIEF (April 2011). – This article addresses the current information gap on the differential gender effects of large-scale land deals through an overview of the phases of large-scale land deals and discussion of related effects on rural men and women; a presentation of further evidence using several case studies on the gender effects of large-scale deals; and a conclusion that looks at knowledge gaps and areas for further research as well as broad recommendations for gender equitable large-scale land deals. [Threats […]
Women, Marriage and Asset Inheritance in Uganda%3$s>
Full citation: Doss, C., Truong, M., Nabanoga, G. and Namaalwa, J., “Women, Marriage and Asset Inheritance in Uganda,” 184 CPRC WORKING PAPER (Chronic Poverty Research Centre 2010). – The study uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The first phase involved interviewing focus groups and key informants about assets held by men and women in the communities and on patterns of acquisition and social norms surrounding asset ownership and inheritance. The second phase was a household and intra-household survey. Life-history interviews were also conducted. The study found that many women gain access to land or ownership through their marital […]
Evaluation of Grassroots Community-Based Legal Aid Activities in Uganda and Tanzania: Strengthening Women’s Legal Knowledge%3$s>
This is a qualitative study of community-based legal aid programs in Uganda and Tanzania. It assesses the efficacy of legal aid activities, the challenges faced by implementing organizations, and it documents opportunities and potential for scaling–up. It finds that legal aid activities will only be successful if they also succeed at changing the mindsets and attitudes surrounding women’s rights, and that further impact evaluation should be done to determine how to improve activities. [Threats to Women’s Land Tenure Security and Effectiveness of Interventions – Annotated Bibliography]