Ley de Reforma Agraria (Ley No. 782)
Record Topic: Land & Property
Nicaragua Agrarian Reform Law (Law No. 782)%3$s>
Dominican Republic Agrarian Reform Law%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Do we know what works for women in urban land and housing?%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Mexico Agrarian Law%3$s>
By Kat Oak
CONTINUE READING Mexico Agrarian Law 1 min read
Law Establishing the Principles Governing the Statutes of Lands (Law No. 2005-019) [Land Law]%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Fixant les Principes Régissant les Statuts des Terres (Loi No. 2005-019)
General Law on Vacant Land (Law No. 13)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Ley General Sobre Terrenos Baldíos (Ley No. 13)
National Parks Service Law (Law No. 6084)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Ley Del Servicio de Parques Nacionales (Ley No. 6084)
Costa Rica Agrarian Reform Law (Law No. 2825)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Ley de Tierras y Colonización (Ley No. 2825)
Gender and Agricultural Development Strategy%3$s>
By Kat Oak
Land Act (Act 1036)%3$s>
By Kat Oak
CONTINUE READING Land Act (Act 1036) 1 min read