Full citation: Razavi, S., “Land Tenure Reform and Gender Equality,” 4 UNRISD RESEARCH AND POLICY BRIEF (January 2006).
Record Topic: Land Reform
Empowering Women through Land Tenure Reform: The Rwandan Experience%3$s>
Full citation: Hoza Ngoga, T., “Empowering women through land tenure reform: The Rwandan experience Source,” UN WOMEN EXPERT PAPER (2012).
Two Faces of Change: The Need for a Bi-Directional Approach to Improve Women’s Land Rights in Plural Legal Systems%3$s>
Full citation: Kapur, A. “Two Faces of Change: The Need for a Bi-Directional Approach to Improve Women’s Land Rights in Plural Legal Systems” 4 IDLO WORKING PAPER SERIES (Leiden University 2011).
Human Rights, Formalisation and Women’s Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa%3$s>
Full citation: Ikdahl, I et al., “Human Rights, Formalisation and Women’s Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa”, 57 STUDIES IN WOMEN’S LAW, (University of Oslo, Norway 2005).
Tanzania’s Land Law Reform: the Implementation Challenge%3$s>
Full Citation: Pedersen, R.H., “Tanzania’s Land Law Reform: the Implementation Challenge,” 37 DIIS Working Paper (2010).
New Progress in Privatization of the Collective Forest Land in China: Evidence from 9 Villages%3$s>
Full Citation: Shen, Y., Xu, X., Zhu, Z., Zhang, Y., and Jiang, C., “New Progress in Privatization of the Collective Forest Land in China: Evidence from 9 Villages,” SOUTHERN FOREST ECONOMICS WORKERS ANNUAL MEETING (Center for Forest Business 2009),
China’s Forest Tenure Reforms: Impacts and implications for choice, conservation, and climate change%3$s>
Full Citation: Xu, J., White, A., and Lele, U., China’s Forest Tenure Reforms: Impacts and implications for choice, conservation, and climate change (RRI 2010).
Forestland Reform in China: What Do the Farmers Want?%3$s>
Full Citation: Qin, P., Carlsson, F., and Xu, J., “Forestland Reform in China: What Do the Farmers Want?”, 08(35) EfD DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES (2008).
West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1955%3$s>
This version of the law includes amendments up to 1999.
West Bengal Land and Land Reforms Manual, 1991%3$s>
This comprehensive manual covers the whole spectrum of activities of officals and functionaries at various levels of land and land reforms administration in West Bengal.