Record Topic: Marriage & Divorce
Botswana Dissolution of Marriage of Persons Subject to Customary Law Act%3$s>
Benin Portant prévention et répressiondes violences faites aux femmes%3$s>
Benin Code of Persons and Family%3$s>
This Code of Persons and Family was enacted in 2004 and is usually cited as the 2004 Code of Persons and Family. However, there may also be citations to the same law as the 2002 Code of Persons and Family. This is likely because the National Assembly passed the law in 2002, but then the President signed the law in 2004.
Benin Coutumier du Dahomey%3$s>
While Family law in Benin is governed by the 2004 Code of Persons and Family. In practice, although customary law is no longer recognized by the courts, women continue to be subject to the Coutumier du Dahomey. The Coutumier du Dahomey is a collection of customs and rules codified in 1931 when Benin was a French colony known as French Dahomey.
Belize Families and Children Act%3$s>
Australia Family Law Rules%3$s>
This document has been split into two volumes. Volume 1 contains Chapters 1–26 (Rr. 1.01–26.31), and Volume 2 contains Schedules 1–6, Dictionary and the Notes. Each volume has its own Table of Contents
Australia Family Law Act%3$s>
Family Law Act