Record Topic: Marriage & Divorce
Giving Out Their Daughters For Their Survival: Refugee Self-Reliance, ‘Vulnerability’, and the Paradox of Early Marriage%3$s>
Far Above Rubies: The Association Between Bride Price and Extramarital Liaisons in Uganda%3$s>
Do shocks affect men’s and women’s assets differently? A review of literature and new evidence from Bangladesh and Uganda%3$s>
Delaying Marriage for Girls in India: A Formative Research to Design Interventions for Changing Norms%3$s>
Connecting Rights to Reality: A Progressive Framework of Core Legal Protections for Women’s Property Rights%3$s>
Court throws out petition: Do women lose or gain?%3$s>
Control and Ownership of Assets within Rural Ethiopian Households%3$s>
Women’s Rights to Land in the Kyrgyz Republic%3$s>
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