CONTINUE READING Bride Price 1 min read
Record Topic: Marriage & Divorce
Bringing Equality Home: Promoting and Protecting the Inheritance Rights of Women: A Survey of Law and Practice in Sub-Saharan Africa%3$s>
A Study of Islamic Family Law in Malaysia: A Select Bibliography%3$s>
Muslim Women and Land Rights in Gujarat: WGWLO Experience%3$s>
Family Law and Matrimonial Property%3$s>
This report covers a variety of topics including marriage, divorce, matrimonial property, and succession. Copies of relevant laws are included as annexes but may not be up-to-date.
Training Manual on Secure Land Tenure and Inheritance Rights in Lesotho%3$s>
Women’s Rights in Uganda: Gaps Between Policy and Practice%3$s>
Zimbabwe Married Persons Property Act%3$s>
Asset Ownership and Egalitarian Decision-Making among Couples: Some Evidence from Ghana%3$s>
Full citation: Oduro, A., Boakye-Yiadom, L. and Baah-Boateng, W., “Asset Ownership and Egalitarian Decision-Making among Couples: Some Evidence from Ghana,” 14 GENDER ASSET GAP PROJECT WORKING PAPER (2012).
Burkina Faso Family Code%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Burkina Faso Family Code 1 min read