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Record Topic: Marriage & Divorce
Ireland Family Law (Divorce) Act%3$s>
Ireland Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act%3$s>
Ireland Judicial Separation and Family Law Reform Act%3$s>
Ireland Family law Act%3$s>
CONTINUE READING Ireland Family law Act 1 min read
Ireland Maintenance Orders Act%3$s>
Ireland Married Women’s Status Act%3$s>
Congo (Democratic Republic of) Family Code%3$s>
The Family Code is divided into five books: Nationality, The Person, The Family, Inheritance and Estates, Amendments and Repealed Provisions.
Hungarian Act on the Protection of Families%3$s>
Ghana Property Rights of Spouses Draft Bill%3$s>
This is just a draft bill, it has not become law.