Record Topic: Mining
Where are the women? A review and conceptual framework for addressing gender equity in charcoal value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa%3$s>
Abstract The importance of the charcoal sector is growing rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to providing an affordable energy source for residents in the continent's growing urban centers, the charcoal value chain offers a critical income source for millions of people. Despite recent studies suggesting that women are taking on an increasing role in charcoal value chains, data and analysis on the role of women and the influence of gendered power relations in the often male-coded charcoal value chain have remained limited. This literature review interrogates the gender dynamics of participation and benefits across charcoal value chains in Sub-Saharan […]
Côte d’Ivoire Inclusive Development Approach Creates the Space for Women to Benefit from Artisanal Mining%3$s>
One of three Women, Land, and Mining Case Studies. These individual case studies, summarized together in a separate synthesis report, represent diverse geographies, different scales of mining, different political and cultural contexts, differing project funding sources, a range of stages in the mining lifecycle, and diverse project approaches. They each contain more detail than the overarching synthesis report.
Strategies for Incorporating Gender into Savings Groups: CSR and the Yanacocha Mine in Peru%3$s>
One of three Women, Land, and Mining Case Studies. These individual case studies, summarized together in a separate synthesis report, represent diverse geographies, different scales of mining, different political and cultural contexts, differing project funding sources, a range of stages in the mining lifecycle, and diverse project approaches. They each contain more detail than the overarching synthesis report.
Women, Land, and Mining: Effective Strategies for Improved Global Practice%3$s>
Synthesis Report Based on Findings from Three Global Case Studies; Côte d’Ivoire, Papua New Guinea, and Peru.
Papua New Guinea: Seeking Gender Equity in Distribution of Mining Benefits to Communities%3$s>
One of three Women, Land, and Mining Case Studies. These individual case studies, summarized together in a separate synthesis report, represent diverse geographies, different scales of mining, different political and cultural contexts, differing project funding sources, a range of stages in the mining lifecycle, and diverse project approaches. They each contain more detail than the overarching synthesis report.
Promising Practices in Gender and Extractives: Key Questions from Small-Group Discussions%3$s>
Attendees of the November 12th gathering on Promising Practices in Gender and Extractives were asked what key question or questions had come up during the day’s presentations and discussions, and what answers or approaches for finding answers they had.
OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector%3$s>
OECD provides practical guidance to mining, oil and gas enterprises in addressing the challenges related to stakeholder engagement.