Record Topic: Research Consortium

From Mother to Daughter: Does Equal Inheritance Property Laws Reform Improve Female Labor Supply and Educational Attainments in India?

Full citation: Sapkal, R. (2016). From Mother to Daughter: Does Equal Inheritance Property Laws Reform Improve Female Labor Supply and Educational Attainments in India?. Asian Journal of Law and Economics, 8(1)

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Women’s Inheritance Rights and Intergenerational Transmission of Resources in India

Full citation: Deininger, K., Goyal, A. and Nagarajan, H., "Women's Inheritance Rights and Intergenerational Transmission of Resources in India," 46 THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOUCES 2 (2013). – Using inheritance patterns over three generations of individuals, this study assesses the impact of changes in the Hindu Succession Act, which grant daughters equal coparcenary birth rights in joint family property, that were denied to daughters in the past. The study shows that the amendment significantly increased daughters’ likelihood to inherit land, but that even after the amendment, substantial bias persists. There were no detectable changes before the legal amendment, with a […]

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Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide: Land Sector Brief

"This brief highlights the intersections between land programs/projects and violence against women and girls (VAWG) while providing recommendations for policy, institutional and community level interventions that may address VAWG or the underlying norms and attitudes that contribute to the use of violence against women.  We hope Task Teams take time to read this short brief, along with the resource guide introduction.  We hope to see more project related activities or components related to the prevention or response to VAWG within our land operations in the future and hope this resource give you a starting point for considering this development challenge affecting […]

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Starting With Women: Findings from Implementation with Artisanal Miners in Karamoja, Uganda

This brief details a project that implemented the Starting With Women (SWW) approach with three mining associations in one district in Karamoja in the northern part of Uganda from 2018-2019. It describes the context of the project, how the SWW approach was adapted to that context, and key initial results. It draws primarily from the project's Baseline Study Report, Mid-Term Review Brief, and Endline Study Report.

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